Food Ministers’ Meeting communiqué – 15 November 2024

Communiqué of outcomes from the Food Ministers’ Meeting held on 15 November 2024.


The Food Ministers’ Meeting met on 15 November 2024 via video conference to consider food regulation and policy matters.

The chair is the Hon Ged Kearney MP. The members are the Australian and New Zealand ministers responsible for food.

Observers: Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)

Key outcomes

The key outcomes were about:

Regulation of infant formula products

Today ministers approved an amended policy guideline on the Regulation of Infant Formula Products. The amendment expands the definition of ‘infant formula product’ and ensures regulation of cell-based human milk products is consistent with ‘traditional’ infant formula products. The amended policy guideline does not trigger any regulatory change.

The amended policy guideline will come into effect immediately and will be published on the food regulation website.

Regulation of toddler milk

In July 2024, ministers requested the Food Regulation Standing Committee (FRSC) consider toddler milk.

Today ministers recommended that FSANZ review the relevant provisions of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code as it applies to the composition and labelling of toddler milk. This review will ensure standards are based on the latest evidence and reflects current international regulations and market development.

Review of the Nutrition Information Panel

Ministers noted an update on the holistic review of the nutrition information panel (NIP). FSANZ, in consultation with FRSC, have established:

  • the objective
  • guiding principles, and
  • proposed scope for the NIP review.

FSANZ will examine the available evidence base and undertake broad stakeholder consultation to inform the review. The review scope may change based on any identified evidence and issues.

Ministers recognise that the NIP is a trusted and valued nutrition label tool for consumers. The review will be undertaken in parallel with FSANZ’s preparatory work to inform ministers’ future decision-making on mandating the Health Star Rating (HSR) system. This provides a unique opportunity to improve nutrition labelling on the front (HSR) and back (NIP) of packaged foods to support consumers to make healthier food choices.

Ministers consider this a priority piece of work for FSANZ. FSANZ will keep Ministers informed of progress in a timely way.

Health Star Rating

Today ministers were provided with an update to governance processes for the HSR system.

The day to-day oversight of the system has moved towards a business-as-usual phase. A simplified and proportionate governance structure will support the ongoing work in exploring mandating the system.

Ministers agreed to delegate oversight of the Health Star Rating Advisory Committee (HSRAC) to FRSC and supported a revised Terms of Reference.

FSANZ Workplan

Ministers noted the update on the FSANZ Workplan and agreed that the work on commercial foods for infants and young children should be prioritised by FRSC out‑of-session for the next Food Ministers’ Meeting.

Ministers noted the forecast for items to be considered in-session.

Next meeting

The food ministers will meet on 14 February 2025. Until then, find out more about food regulation activities.


If you have any queries, please contact the Food Regulation Secretariat.

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